Ride Formation

The President and Vice President are always at the front. All High Ranking officers such as Enforcers, Dealers of Death, Intel Officer, and Recruitment Officer are to be behind the Treasurer and the Road Captain. They are also to be in front of all the patched members. Nomads are to be right in front of the patched members. A Tail gunner will go behind all the patched members to keep on track of all the members.
Rules of Riding Formation:
1. Please do not bring in the cops during the ride.
2. When we are parking our bikes, One member at a time.
3. Do not bump other member bikes,
4. Do not blow up other member bikes.
5. Do not go in front of the President or the Vice-President. This is a sign of disrespect
6. When any member of the crew crashed. We pull over on the side of the road.