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Ranks Information

Please Note: That all high ranking officers are all promoted as commissioners on Rockstar Games Social Club, here are the ranks below. However, there are times that Officers, Non-Officers Representatives, Lifers and Nomads may replace any high ranking  officers positions and Vice presidents . View the "HIERARCHY" page to see our current high ranking officers, Vice Presidents and President.


President: Leader ( Rockstar Games Social Club )


Vice-President and other high ranking officers: Commissioners ( Rockstar Games Social Club )


Lifers & Non-Officers Representatives: Lieutenants ( Rockstar Games Social Club )


Officers & Nomads:  Representatives( Rockstar Social Club)


Ordinary Patch Members: Muscle ( Rockstar Games Social Club )


The Duties of the Officers,  President and Vice Presidents are as follows:






1. To run officers meetings, church and the crew as a whole.


2. To make a judgement on issues that come up that are not in the bylaws.


3. To act as the face of the MC as a whole especially during MC to MC relations.



Vice President (Second in command)


1. The duties of the Vice President is to assume all responsibilities of the President if he is unavailable.



Secretary (Third in command)


1. To handle crew business and run church and rides if the President and Vice presidents are unavailable.



Treasurer (Fourth in command)


1. To assist players in making money in game in any way possible.


2. To assist in any and all money matters in the crew.


3. To handle crew business and run church if neither the Secretary, Vice presidents and the President is unavailable.



Sgt at Arms (Fourth in command)


1. To help maintain order at church, rides and crew functions.


2. To help make sure members are following crew rules, policies and expected models of conduct when dealing with the crew or outside mcs if the situation applies.


3. To handle crew business and church if the Treasurer, Secretary, Vice president and President are unavailable.



Road Captain (Fifth in command)


1. To plan rides with the crew and possibly other MC crews.


2. To plan rides for holidays, upcoming events and special events.


3. To ride in the back and assist in keeping all members in formation by  directing them during rides.


4. To handle crew business and run church if the Sgt at Arms, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice president and President are unavailable.



Intel officer (Sixth in command)


1. To regularly check out patched members  profiles to make  sure rules are being followed.


2. To find any info that is needed or required for the crew to make a decision on anything.


3. To handle any crew business and run church if the Road Captain, Sgt at Arms, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President and the President are unavailable.


Recruiter/Recruitment Officer (Seventh in command)


1. To seek out potential new patched member in either open lobbies or other MC crews.


2. To help any new members that's recruited in the matters of getting their social club set up and account linked.


3. To handle crew business and run church if the Intel officer, Sgt at Arms, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice president and President are unavailable.



Enforcer (Eighth in command)


1. Enforcers are officers with no assigned job. they should still be respected as Officers and may have to temporarily take over the duties of any of the above officers.


2. Enforcers have to handle crew business and run church if the Recruiter, Intel Officer, Road Captain, Sgt at Arms, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, and President are unavailable.


Administration Officer [Ninth in command]


1. The administration is responsible for collecting any debts owed to the gang and usually gets the job of checking out business opportunities prior to any decisions being made.  Also responsible for recruitment and managing clubs.


Tail Gunner [Tenth in command]


1. The Tail Gunner serves as the eyes of the Ride Leader. He watches the formation, and informs the Ride Leader of any potential problems within the group.


2. The Tail Gunner watches other vehicles, and informs the Ride Leader (and anyone else with radios) of hazardous conditions approaching from the rear, such as vehicles trying to cut into the formation and trucks passing with potentially dangerous wind blasts.


3. The Tail Gunner will watch for merging lanes, and will move into a merging lane (or stay in a merging lane just vacated by the group) in order to "close the door" on other vehicles that may otherwise find themselves trying to merge into the formation.


4. At the Ride Leader's request, the Tail Gunner changes lanes before the formation, to secure the lane so the formation can move into it.


Dealer of Death (Eleventh in command)


1. This is a position given to officers with notable skills in battle and amount of time spent on the battlefield.


2. To handle crew business and run church if the Road Captain, Treasurer, Sgt at Arms, secretary, Vice President, and President are unavailable.




  Lifers are the members who have put in time and work for the crew. They have show their loyalty and are willing to follow the crew rules and fight for the MC. They are well respected members.



Nomads( This Hierarchy spot is currently not available)


Nomads are members who have earned their place in the crew and are not active enough to constitute them having an informed opinion on the crew's affairs. Nomads are treated as full patched members except they do not vote on matters in the crew.


Wise Ones ( This Hierarchy spot is currently not available)


Wise ones (also known as "Chaplains")  are members are who are very experienced and very loyal in the MC. They look after the club and looks after the spiritual needs of club members, helps out when someone goes to the big house ( jail ), conducts marriages rides, funerals, etc. and if a new recruit is ready to join the crew. They will notify the President, Vice Presidents and other high ranking officers.


Rules of Meetings


1. When something needs to be voted on it needs to be stated in advance whether the vote needs to be majority rules or unanimous.


2. All members attending meet in the clubhouse office.


3. No weapons or Violence is allowed at the meeting.


4. Non-officer members are not allowed at the meeting.


5. Members must ride their motorcycle to the meeting and be wearing their colors and have War Mammoths MC PSN as their active crew.


6. Unless told otherwise all topics discussed at the meeting is strictly crew business only. No loose lips.



Officers Meetings


    Typically once a week officers will meet to discuss crew business. this can  range from a variety of topics including promotions, demotions, war, etc. Only officers are allowed at the meetings with the exception of  the two non officer representatives.



Non-Officer Representatives


    During officers meetings two non-officer representatives will be allowed  to be present. These two members are elected by the other non-officer members to represent them as a whole in the meetings. The purpose of this is to reduce the time it takes to have a vote completed and to make sure  that things are kept fair and equal through out the crew.




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